FORÇA BUSINESS - a FORÇA foundation social enterprise
equality, diversity
and inclusion
We offer leadership trainings, workshops and talks to accelerate your work with equality, diversity and inclusion through our methodology and lessons learned from the football field.
Força Business
A Força Foundation Social Enterprise
We help you leverage your business outcomes and accelerate equality, diversity and inclusion through leadership trainings, workshops and talks based on our methodology, values-based leadership and lessons learned from the football field.

All revenue is re-invested in the Força Foundation, further accelerating equality and inclusion by helping us increase our impact and catalyse girls' rights and opportunities worldwide.
Our Offers
We offer inspiration, strategies and tools
on key elements for organisational development
from our evidence-based methodology and
lessons learned from the football field.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

  • Understand the business rationale of investing in and caring about diversity and inclusion to promote innovation, creativity and productivity, and the health and well-being of all co-workers.
  • Learn evidence-based strategies and practical tools to accelerate equality, diversity and inclusion that drive engagement, creativity and innovation to leverage business outcomes.

A Culture of Innovation
  • Understand the key driving factors behind a culture of innovation, and how to build a strong culture that drives creativity and innovation.
  • Learn evidence-based strategies and hands-on tools to build a resilient culture that promotes creativity and collaboration in a hybrid workspace, allowing people and teams to drive innovation.
Engaged Teams,
Enhanced Collaboration
  • Understand the key driving factors behind a culture of engagement, and how to build a strong culture that enables and enhances collaboration and teamwork.
  • Learn evidence-based strategies and hands-on tools to promote collaboration and teamwork in
    a hybrid workspace, and build increasingly engaged teams.
Choose the format that suits you best
— Inspirational talks, 45-60 min
— Optional Q&A at the end
— Available online and on-site
— Interactive workshops, 90 min
— Learn practical evidence-based strategies
— Available online and on-site
— Tailored in-house training
— 5 x 90 min workshops
— Including discussion guides to facilitate
putting it into practice at your workplace
— Available online and on-site
Impact generated far beyond your organisation
Your investment in Força Business services creates a ripple effect that supports additional training sessions empowering young girls across our global networks.
— Can't find what your looking for?
— We tailor leadership trainings, workshops and talks to suit your needs and context. Contact us at [email protected] for a tailored offer.
by leveraging equality, diversity and inclusion with lessons learned from the football field.
  • "A successful strategy is built on values
    and culture, not numbers"
    - Cecilia Safaee, founder Força Foundation
    We're running a fundraising campaign during to the 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Paris, giving you the opportunity to spread the joy of football, and with it strengthened girls' rights and opportunities. This season, we aim to empower 35,000 girls in Mozambique through our national football league, providing education and support that change behaviors and prevent child marriages, teenage pregnancies, and violence. We encourage you to support our Fundraiser through this link:

    Be inspired by our founder Cecilia Safaee, a social entrepreneur and founder of the Força Foundation and its social enterprise Força Business. Cecilia has been awarded several prizes for her work, and is a frequently engaged speaker and advisor in both private and civil sector.

    The Força Foundation currently engages 1,987 coaches leading change and empowering 30,680 girls in 993 communities in 30 countries across the world. Learn from their award-winning evidence-based methodology through their social enterprise Força Business that enables businesses to drive change and promote equality, diversity and inclusion through values-based leadership, while making it possible for the Foundation to increase its impact on the football field.
What our clients say
  • "Great speaker and a very good cause. Do book Cecilia Safaee as a speaker and promote her work. I got some real insights which will help me become a better leader."
    Carl Frögelius
    CEO, Oracle Sweden & Senior Director
    Technology Systems BU Sweden
  • "The workshop we had with Força Business at Smarteyes was very appreciated and gave us a lot of insights! We take with us that the values Smarteyes stand for can't lead to a good culture if only management stands for them. All co-workers need to feel that they can lead based on our values, and everyone must feel that they make a difference in increasing engagement and individual development."
    Sandra Paulsson
    Digital Manager, Smarteyes
  • "An impressive talk! Cecilia Safaee is a very talented speaker, that with her will to make the world better got us both to laugh and cry. She catches the audience and gives inspiration that I myself also can do things to change and improve the world.
    Once again – a big thank you for a very insightful talk!"
    Ulrika Jorsell
    Project Coordinator, Swedish Golf Federation
  • "High quality, carried out professionally, with a high level of participation. I definitely give the leadership training the highest possible rating!"
    Kenneth Persson
    Chairman of the Labor & Social Services Committee,
    Municipality of Borlänge, Sweden
Book your inspirational talk with Força Foundation
Invest in your organisation!
Tel: +46 72 72 72 580
E-mail: [email protected]